Monday, February 4, 2013

Quick Update:

So, I've decided that writing "The Experimental Alchemist" on all my recipes was too long, so I'm shortening it to its acronym: T.E.A.  Heh, I like that it spells "tea."  That's appropriate.

Also, I make more chai tea this morning and added in 1 tsp black peppercorns and 1 tsp cloves.  I also sweetened it with a little molasses (about 1 TB) and 1 TB brown sugar.  It turned out much spicier this time, which I liked.  Plus, it wasn't too sweet.  I also did not add any milk because I wanted control over how much milk was in my tea.  I tend to like only a little.  

Watch out for my next post on garbanzo beans!  They're more exciting that you might think!

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