Thursday, January 10, 2013

Black Bean Burger Breakfast

So....last night I didn't take any blog pictures while I was cooking.  Sometimes, I just get in the zone...and taking pictures every few minutes really messes up my flow.  Plus, I have to take many, many pictures because most of them come out blurry.  As you might have noticed already, my pictures are not professional quality, though we do have a pretty awesome camera (a Nikon Coolpix P4).  However, it is about 7 years old (almost as long as my husband and I have been together), and it is starting to show it's age.  It takes spectacular up-close shots, but without the right lighting, it is hard to get it to focus properly....
Well, enough on that end.  I guess I just need to suck it up and start researching new cameras!  In the mean time, you will all have to deal with my very noob-ish pictures. Ha ha.  
And since I didn't take any pictures last night, I have very few to share with you today!  That will sure teach me!  I having to quickly learn how to manage my time cooking and taking pictures at the right moments.  I like showing the whole process of a recipe from start to finish, but there are so many times when the veggies are sauteing, something is in the oven, and I'm pureeing something in the food processor...and I totally forget to document it!  And making food look pretty is actually kind of hard.  I'm so far fairly happy with my pictures, but I never noticed how dark my kitchen gets in the evenings.  And my lights have a yellow-ish tinge to them.  I'm going to have to experiment some more and see how I can improve my photography.  If any of you have any suggestions...let me know!

I did take some pictures this morning, though, because I really wanted to share these black bean burgers with you.  I got the recipe from the Moosewood cookbook again (it was very influential in my menu planning this week), but I think it was pretty successful.  I also made some yummy condiments to go with the burgers that (in my opinion) really made them that much better.  There were a few things that I would change, though...although it wasn't the recipe's fault, but my own.  Well, we're always learning!

And as you might know by now, these also make a fabulous breakfast.  I just can't recommend the "Leftover Breakfast" enough.  If you make enough the night before, you have plenty to heat up for breakfast.  All it needs is a perfectly runny over-easy egg, and your delicious breakfast is ready!

Southwestern Black Bean Burger
Homemade Salsa
Avocado Mayonnaise
Seven Grain Bread (from New Seasons)
Fried Egg

Southwestern Black Bean Burgers
From Moosewood Restaurant Cooking for Health Cookbook

2 tsp olive oil
1 cup onions
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1/4 tsp salt (or to taste...I felt like these needed a little more salt)
dash of ground black pepper
1 cup finely chopped mushrooms
1 cup grated carrots
1 fresh chile, minced or 1/4 tsp cayenne (I used cayenne)
1/4 cup orange juice 
1 cup ground tortilla chips (whirl in food processor until they resemble coarse cornmeal)
2 15-oz cans black beans, drained and rinsed
1 large egg, lightly beaten

1.Warm oil in a skillet on medium high heat.  Add onions and cook for 5 minutes, stirring often.  Stir in the cumin, coriander, salt, pepper and cook until the onions are soft.  Add the mushrooms, carrots, chiles, and orange juice, lower the heat to medium, cover and cook, stirring occasionally until tender, about 8 minutes.
2.While the vegetable cook, combine the ground tortilla chips, beans, and egg in a large bowl and mash with a potato masher, or pulse in a food processor until combined.  When vegetables are tender, drain, and stir into bean mixture.
3.Form the burger mixture into 6 patties (1/2 cup per burger) and place on lightly oiled baking sheet.  Bake in a preheated 375F oven for 25 minutes until firm and lightly crusted.

What I would changed about this recipe:

1.  I'm personally not sure that I loved the orange juice in this recipe, and since my burgers were super moist (almost mushy), I'm not sure it was needed at all.  I might have just gone with a squeeze of lime/lemon for some flavor and acidity.
2. I think I ground my carrots and mushrooms too finely.  Mine came out like coarse meal out of the food processor, which I think had something to do with the burgers holding too much liquid and being mushy.  I would have kept them somewhat chunky.
3. I did use cayenne, though I think jalapeno would have been better and would have given the burgers a fresher taste.
4. Although I did like the coriander, I think I would have put less in and added in a little chili powder.
5. I think some fresh cilantro would also be great in these.
6. I used fresh black beans, which are good because you can control their salt content.  However, since these burgers could have used more salt, it really doesn't matter what kind of bean you use.
7. TASTE the mixture before you put in the egg.  Put the egg in last (you don't want salmonella when you're tasting), and taste to make sure the seasoning is right.  I meant to do this, and promptly forgot.  So, my burgers were slightly bland.
8. Form the patties uniformly and make them about 1/2 inch thick.  This way the patties will cook evenly and not be so mushy in the center.  Mine were a little too thick.

Ok, so I might have changed a lot, but I love analyzing recipes and what I could do differently next time.  I've always wanted a great recipe for a vegetarian burger.  This recipe is definitely the best one that I've tried so far, but I could most certainly do it better next time.

Fresh Salsa:

1 cup canned whole tomatoes, drained (or fresh when in season)
1/2 cup yellow onion, large dice
1 large jalapeno (more or less depending on how spicy you like it!)
2-3 cloves garlic
1/2 cup fresh cilantro (stems are ok)
salt to taste

Add all ingredients into a food processor.  Pulse until it is the consistency of your liking.  It can be thick and chunky or fully pureed.  Store in an airtight container and refrigerate.  Should keep for 5-7 days.

Avocado Mayonnaise

1 avocado, peeled, cored, large dice
1/4 cup mayo
1 TB lemon juice
salt to taste (if needed)

Add all ingredients to a food processor.  Puree until smooth.  Store in an airtight container and refrigerate.  Place plastic wrap over the top of the mayo (touching the surface).  This will help slow the oxidization it not to turn brown!

Prepare this burger like a beef one with ketchup and pickles on a bun, or try it my faced on toast with a fried egg!  Or you could even make a salad out of it!  Whatever you try...ENJOY!!! :)

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